Last week I was delighted to travel to Alexandra Palace to teach at the Knitting & Stitching Show. I always enjoy visiting the show, but this was the first time that I have taught classes there. The sense of anticipation and excitement before the customers arrive always remains the same, though, and preparing to finally deliver my classes after so many hours of preparation (yes, more orange paper bags!) gave me happy butterflies.
There are some pictures from my classes below, but I will spare you the intimate details. I will just say though that the organisation ran like clock work, and the entire team of staff that I encountered, from electricians and cleaners to security staff were absolutely brilliant. Also, the vast majority of my students were an absolute joy to teach, and were so patient with sharing equipment and sharing space. I have had several thankful emails since I have been home- what a joy to encounter such polite people!
Apart from spending my time teaching, I chatted away to stallholders, and of course did a little tiny bit of buying. It was great to see my old friends at
Art Van Go, and I had a lovely chat to Sara from
Black Sheep. To my surprise, several kind strangers admired my dresses, and one of them turned out to be Jo from
Baa Ram Ewe, so I chatted about their gorgeous 'Titus' yarn with her and Rachel Coopey for a while- I felt quite start-struck! Having visited the show four days running I had too many delightful encounters to mention them all!
I am now taking a few days to myself: to catch up on admin, to prepare for the next craft fair, and to play around with bits of yarn & fabric. Hopefully by Friday I will have some creations to show you.
students' binding & piping samples
the very beginnings of some broomstick crochet
we actually did use broomsticks: my bag was a lot lighter on the way home that day!
I was very impressed with the coincidental coordinating nail polish!
...also impressed with the coordinating jumper choice
Ties were great sessions, although cutting 300 pieces of fabric & interlining in preparation really was the 'marathon and a half' that I had predicted
I really enjoyed your broomstick crochet workshop and the cowl I gave since completed is much admired. You've seen it on Ravelry and were so kind to admire it. Thank you for your patience with our fumblings in the day. Another craft to add to the list!