I love ruined buildings, the more romantic and windswept the more I love them, and when chunks of architectural history are strewn about the landscape so much the better. So when this blogging week afforded the opportunity to scramble up a wild hillside and engage with these remains I was delighted.
There was an owl flying low, and we saw a fox. Plus, there were wild blackberries, just asking to be picked. It was a heavenly morning!
Unwisely, as they were ill-suited to scrambling around the countryside, I wore both the gore skirt I made recently and my hand-knitted jumper.
I love to draw, but I am poor at making myself do it. I have no idea why I do not draw every day- I certainly did when I was a child. I draw my designs, but not with confidence and conviction. So, I have bought a book entitled '642 Fashion Things to Draw', with a view to drawing a little (or a lot) each day. It is amusing and lighthearted, and ultimately of no consequence, which I find freeing. Being an American publication there are a lot of terms with which I am not familiar (or maybe it is just my ignorance- 'A Pendleton Scarf' anyone...?), but I guess that means it will be educational. Below is my take on 'Patterned Leggings'- such fun!
Much of this week passed in continuing to sort and tidy, plus lots of tedious paperwork. Until yesterday, when I had such a fun outing to one of favourite parts of London: Bermondsey, to see the 'Made in Mexico' exhibition at the Fashion & Textiles Museum.
Because I am a supremely lucky person, pictured also is my charm bracelet, with a mini Tower Bridge to carry with me wherever I go.
The weaves on show were simply stunning. Although the museum is small, most of the exhibitions I have seen there are impeccably well curated, and provide a mini feast for the eyes.

And this week's culinary treat...? Wild-blackberry Bakewell Tart, using jam made from our earlier pickings.

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