Sometimes, and often at the most inopportune moments I find myself helpless in the face of the urge to sew. A splurge of making usually follows, and sometimes projects get finished and sometimes they have to wait for a little while!
This week, after the craft fair I was selling at last weekend, has been mainly occupied with stitching. Pictured above is a little lined zippy pouch, which I have developed for teaching purposes. Not only is it a fun make and a useful finished article, but a great way to use up smaller pieces of fabric. I can see me running up quite a few, perhaps as gifts? Not being a cosmetics sort of person, mine is now stuffed with stationery and pattern drafting tools.
If you are a regular reader you may recognise the fabric below as I mentioned this dress as my semi-toile. I've done the basic assembly, and I'm really happy with the result. I will finalise the pattern, and finish this properly, and I'm looking forward to wearing it. I will probably bind the neckline instead of taking the seam allowance as a facing, as I don't think I want to take 1cm off it. And although there is a little spare fabric at the waist and hips I am reluctant to take it in_ I want it to fit, but also to be able to move.

Below, my circle skirt is coming together. I had not stay stitched the curves- what a rookie mistake! You can see from how the hem now hangs in more of a handkerchief shape how much the weave has relaxed and travelled since I cut my semicircles. Attaching the waistband was a bit of a nightmare, but it's on there now. Pleasingly, the print pretty much matches up at the side seams. I am leaving it on the dummy for a little while before I cut the hem, just to make sure it has sort of settled and shifted as much as it wants to.

This is some gorgeous needlecord which I bought in a remnant sale, as I just fell in love with the painterly print. I am not really a pink person, but as it juxtaposed with bright red and steely grey I somehow really like it here. There is quite a lot left to do on this skirt: draft, cut, and assemble the facing and lining, as well as insert the zip and sew the back seam... I'm hoping it will be a nice comfortable everyday sort of skirt for chillier days. I am not very good at getting all bundled up for the winter, but I'm hoping with some pretty hand made clothes this winter I will be toasty enough.

As much as I love to draft my own patterns, it is sometimes fun to follow instructions. I made a little dress from this exciting book as well this week (and actually completed it, you will be pleased to hear!). My version is in silk satin, and it hangs beautifully. There are things I would change if I was to make it again, for example I would change the neck band, as the instructions are for making quite a wide strip on the grain with no shaping, to go all around the neck and shoulders. As a result it sticks out a little, which is not a massive turn-off, but just something I would change next time. Also, I would consider cutting the pattern pieces the opposite way on the fabric. This would be more economic, and would make the straight of grain run up and down the side. This would affect the drape, but depending on the fabric choice I don't think it would reck the design. I'm really pleased with the result, but it is both very short and very revealing, so I will be wearing it with a top and leggings.

You may also remember this endearing zebra print from previous entries. I have now cut the pieces for a shirt, so watch out for updates as the finished article comes together. I get the impression many people don't realise how much work there is in a shirt... suffice to say it is a lot!
And lastly, apologies that my pictures have come out so dark this time, I'll try to make them brighter and sunnier in future :-)