Today I discovered that the ravelry member who was making my beret pattern has finished her project, and also blogged about it- you can read it
here. I am doubly impressed as she used her own handspun yarn. I am so delighted that she has had a successful experience making the beret, and it looks just wonderful. Knowing that somebody on the other side of the world has been able to follow your instructions to a happy conclusion is a really indescribably great feeling. So, thank you, friends, for you help and encouragement in getting this far.

Something fun that I have designed and made this week is this bow tie. I enjoyed coming up with a standard gents tie a few months ago, but for some reason a cheeky bow tie was even more fun, and don't get me started on the hilarity that ensued as I tried to learn how to tie it using YouTube. Expect workshops... perhaps even in exciting locations (she says cryptically!).
On another positive note, I received some great feedback for my Getting Going Sewing bag course today. I think it was pretty honest feedback as it came to me via somebody else, so I am over the moon. This group of ladies is one of the best I have ever had though, in terms of their enthusiasm and energy. At the end of the final session this coming week they will have made a gorgeous batch of bags- which I will snap in order to share with you next week.
This week also threw up a wonderfully peaceful outing to a usually hidden gem. Here are some of the pretty snaps I took
An exotic flash of colour among the Kentish greenery |
A beautiful mosaic of logs |
I am so mad for ironwork. One day I will learn blacksmithery |
Secret statues in walled gardens always feel so timeless |
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